Joint Mobilization

Joint mobilization on the ankle

What Is It?

Joint mobilization is a manual treatment technique that increases joint mobility and decreases pain and stiffness. It entails the passive movement of a joint in a given direction and at a controlled speed to restore normal joint mechanics and function. Dr. LA will gently move the injured joint in a predetermined direction and rhythm during joint mobilization. Joint mobilization improves joint mechanics, decreases pain and stiffness, increases joint range of motion, and allows joints to move with increased efficiency relative to one another.

Many musculoskeletal problems, such as back pain, neck discomfort, shoulder pain, and hip pain, can benefit from joint mobilization. To obtain the best outcome, it is frequently combined with other physical therapy methods including soft tissue mobilization and corrective exercises to use the range of motion gained during joint mobilizations. Joint mobilization is an all-around secure and efficient manual treatment approach that can help to increase joint mobility and decrease pain and stiffness.